For those of us who have been around for a little while longer than others, we may have distant memories of supposed faith healers who seemed to profit off the sufferings of others rather than actual healings like those in the Bible.
Let me state from the outset that I do believe in miracles - more on that later. Super heroes could also be added to the list in the title above. They seem to be a super hit in the movies today. What was once fodder for comic books are now huge draws at the ticket office. UFO’s are not as easy to deal with, but I do remember watching an interview with a man who had retired from top-secret work for our military. He said what we see in science fiction, our military already has.
I do believe in miracles, but I also believe that the reason we don’t see as many true miracles today is due in large part to our lack of faith. Jesus even stated that he could not perform many miracles in one region due to their lack of faith. Even so, there are many of what I consider as small miracles that are all around us. My list may not fit the true definition of a miracle, but they are miracles to me.
Holding my 10-month-old granddaughter as I did last evening and seeing her smile and jabber at me is a wonderful miracle to me. Last evening I was on our back porch with her big 2-year-old sister. Part of the time I was in the hammock while, as my nurse, she treated me for various conditions. The rain poured and thunder rattled in the distant background. All are miracles to me. To hear the birds sing after a rain, to see the flowers drink in the moisture and respond to the morning sun, are all miracles to me.
Yes, life is hard and always has been. Hurt, pain, disease, death, crime and so much more are part of life and always have been. We can easily become cynical and discouraged, and if you are I have a prescription for you. Get up early and go outside to experience the beauty of nature waking up. Watch a rainstorm and feel the thunder. Spend time holding a baby and watching a toddler play.
I also have what you might think is a very unexpected part of my prescription. Go visit a senior. A tiny miracle will happen if you do. You will leave feeling better than you did before you went. Your spirits will be lifted by their thankfulness.
If you are still not convinced that miracles are all around us, the following is full proof. The Cubs are having a tremendous season
Stan Means
Elder Source Senior Ministries