Our personal and professional lives are interconnected in numerous ways. Both require decisions that are made in an instant and over time. If life gives us anything, it gives us the ability to reflect on decisions great and small that have become life altering. What we choose to do with that reflection can become an integral part of our success or our failure both personally and professionally.
Just recently, while visiting with an older gentleman, I listened to him voice numerous “I should have….” I couldn’t help but feel sad for him. Not until many days later did I realize that I should have challenged him by asking, “What if you had have taken that direction instead of the one you did?" Much of his life’s history, as I know it, would have been altered – including my own.
Surprisingly, after a momentary lull in our conversation, he turned the tables on me with a question. “If you could go back in time would you do anything differently professionally?” The question caught me off guard, and I thought about it for a few seconds before replying, “No, I can’t imagine doing anything else.”
A couple of days later, while speaking to a group who were not familiar with what I do, I was happy to say that I have invested my life in honoring and ministering to seniors, and I can’t imagine doing anything else. Yes, I have regrets just like all of us do, but I choose to learn from the past, live in the present, and look forward to eternity in Heaven!
I have often said that I believe God has wired us with the desire to help others. Some of the best rewards in life come from helping those who can’t help us in return, and seniors are a great place to start. Check out our web site for ideas and links to support our cause. A $100 donation buys a tablet that can be loaded with our free app and delivered to care community.
Stan Means
Elder Source Senior Ministries
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