In my last blog I voiced concern over our increasingly divided nation. Our news outlets seem to enjoy fanning the flames that destroy hope. When hope is lost, a nation, a society, a government, a people, a marriage, a family… will perish! Unfortunately, heartwarming stories don’t drive ratings like sensational stories do.
Recently in the small Texas community of Victoria a Mosque was destroyed by fire. What happened afterwards was wonderful. A Jewish congregation handed the keys to their Temple to the members of the Mosque, and the entire community rallied in support. A GoFundMe page was setup and in a few days over one million dollars was raised. In the midst of a nation where battle lines are being drawn and redrawn on a daily basis, I find it wonderful that a community rallied in support of religious freedom and love for their neighbor.
Stories like the one above are unfolding every day all across this nation. They will never be reported to the extent that they deserve, and I am okay with that to some extent. Our good deeds can’t always be done in secret, but neither should they be done to receive the praise of others. Our good deeds should be a natural outgrowth of the love we have in our hearts.
So if you find your hope running low and your anger and frustration rising, I have a simple prescription for you. Look for ways to help and encourage someone every day. It really is that simple! I direct a ministry to a people group that need an encouraging word, a simple touch, and an occasional helping hand – our seniors. They are the most isolated people group in our society. You will be encouraged through them.
The test of our faith may be to the extent to which we are willing to take a stand, but it also may be to the extent we are willing to give. Christ gave it all on the cross. Surely, we who say we trust in Him can daily show our love through our actions - regardless of age, race, creed, or national origin.
Stan Means
Elder Source Senior Ministries
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