Life Can Be a Demolition Derby... That We Did Not Enter!

My childhood hometown in Illinois still has an annual sweet corn festival. One part of the festivities I remember well was the demolition derby. Locals would do their best to be the last car moving in the crash-fest. Metaphorically speaking life can be a bit like a demolition derby. Imagine that we are simply cruising down the road when all of a sudden a car broadsides us. About the time we realize what happened, we get broadsided again. While shaking our heads trying to gain some clarity, we get rear-ended. Welcome to life’s demolition derby. I am in one now!

Six days shy of four months in the hospital my wife was released. I brought her home two days ago. She will never be able to return to work and will need 24/7 care at home. (Read: “She Squeezed My Finger” for details.) During the four months my wife was in the hospital, my mother was hospitalized and released home to hospice care. My father was in the hospital and was released to home health. My wife’s father was in hospitalized twice and is now in rehab following two blood clots in the base of his brain. Update: Just after finishing this blog yesterday, I had to take my wife back to the hospital.

Many folks in the last four months have asked how I’m doing. My answer varies literally depending on what I am facing that day, but I usually say I’m doing okay. Lately, the word overwhelmed has come to mind and has once or twice rolled off my tongue. I don’t honestly don’t know how I am going to do it all, but I do know my faith has given me a wonderful peace in the midst tumultuous circumstances!

I started this blog thinking about contingency plans, but as you can read it has taken a much different direction. I have no idea what the next few weeks, months, or years will look like, but I know God is with me always and will guide me. In the midst of it all is the ministry God has given me, Elder Source. I will be leading the ministry with new insight, and I honestly believe 2017 will be the best year ever for Elder Source in both effectiveness and funding.

The events of the past four months are not uncommon, and there are a variety of ways to prepare including: insurance, wills, living wills, estate planning…. Talk to your loved ones and seek professional advice before the demolition derby starts.

Stan Means
Elder Source Senior Ministries