Counting the Cost

Life can be like a game of checkers. I haven’t played checkers in many, many years, but I remember well a few I played decades ago. My maternal grandfather had a farm in western Kentucky. Although he never learned to read or write, he had one of the best business minds I have ever known. I often find myself reflecting on the lessons learned from his example.

I was very young the day he and I were sitting at the dining table playing one game of checkers after another. He had an almost continuous smile on his face as he decimated me every time. He could have let me win to help my self-concept. Both of my kids have a box full of trophies. Some were well earned, and others were mere participation trophies.

I often find myself viewing life through the lens of a game of checkers. Every move I make comes at a price. If the move comes in haste without forethought I may lose, but if I take the time to consider my next move, the chances of success are greater. 

In my opinion our world is in a mess in every way of measurement and is getting worse by the day. I don’t know if we are beyond redemption or not, but I do know that it is never too late to start counting the cost of life’s decisions great and small. I find it a shame that our society will quickly dismiss wisdom and experience for what is new and fresh. Some of the best and brightest of our day are those who are still considered young. I know our youth can run circles around their grandparents when it comes to technology and many other areas, but wisdom takes time to mature. In our search for the newest and best, let us not forsake wisdom!

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Stan Means
Elder Source Senior Ministries
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